Bill Haley Rock'n Roll Swing Dance 1956 - Colorized
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Bill Haley performing the song 'Rip It Up' in 1956 along with rock n roll swing dancing - now fully colorized using the latest technologies.

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From the movie "Don't Knock the Rock" - a 1956 musical film starring Alan Dale and Alan Freed.  Directed by Fred F. Sears, the film also features performances by Bill Haley & His Comets, Little Richard, The Treniers, and Dave Appell and the Applejacks.  The title of the film comes from one of Bill Haley's hit singles of 1956.  This surely brings out a new perspective to this old classic.  Whether in color or black and white, the music and this style of dancing will always be timeless.  Dancers: Gil Brady, Nikki Brady, Bobby Banas, Elaine DuPont, Joe Lanza, Troy Patterson, Ruby Scrivo, Lennie Smith, Glen Turnbull, Freda Angela Wyckoff.
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