An "Almost Perfect" Emergency Landing in a Sailplane
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An "almost perfect" emergency landing, until an unnoticed mailbox catches the right wing of the sailplane about 8 inches from the tip.
Note: The pilot of the plane posted the video on YouTube for public view. A few days later – for whatever reason – he changed his mind and made the video “private”.
Instead, we found footage of the 2011 French glider aerobatic team pilots doing aerobatics. Keep in mind, these are sailplanes without an engine:

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"While tight turns over roofs, brushing treetops and dodging street signs are not desired flight maneuvers, they do make for interesting viewing. The video has been closely reviewed and much learning has taken place. My instructor, safety officer, FAA and NTSB were all outstanding professionals in helping grow skills from this experience." says glider pilot Larry Hockensmith. "If you want to be the best pilot possible, learn to soar. It is like sailing versus driving a power boat. A sailplane pilot understands and partners with nature. A power pilot acknowledges but subjugates nature."
Definition: Gliding is a recreational activity and competitive air sport in which pilots fly unpowered aircraft known as gliders or sailplanes using naturally occurring currents of rising air in the atmosphere to remain airborne. The word soaring is also used for the sport
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